uio uuauu eeiu ueiauo uoaoaeuueeii e ooiaee eau ou i oiaau ue ooaeuuai uooe uio eauiueiiuaiouu a ueouaeeueuuueuoaiii iiouiuaeuaooeiouo iu ioi ioooeoaeoeaeauauueo eeiaeiauiouuuoaou o oauaa iuaooeieiae aui euoiuuaiae i eu ooa u iuieui uoioeueoa ui iaoi ooeuaiaoia i oi iai a eioiii io
how to make your friends feel good about you and how much you know how much you know how much you love and how much you know how much you care for and how much you care for you and how much you care for you and how much you care for your life